소스 검색

[ops] create FUNDING.yml

[ops] create FUNDING.yml
Yukino 4 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일12개의 추가작업 그리고 0개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 12 0

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# These are supported funding model platforms
+github: [KFCFans]
+patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username
+open_collective: # Replace with a single Open Collective username
+ko_fi: # Replace with a single Ko-fi username
+tidelift: # Replace with a single Tidelift platform-name/package-name e.g., npm/babel
+community_bridge: # Replace with a single Community Bridge project-name e.g., cloud-foundry
+liberapay: # Replace with a single Liberapay username
+issuehunt: # Replace with a single IssueHunt username
+otechie: # Replace with a single Otechie username
+custom: ['https://www.yuque.com/powerjob/guidence/sponsor']