123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579 |
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- # x-no-translate
- #
- # resources.properties
- #
- # resources for com.sun.star.wizards
- #
- RID_COMMON_0=Uvimba weefayili oyi-'%1' akakwazanga kudaleka.<BR>Mhlawumbi akukho sithuba saneleyo sishiyekileyo eqokobheni lekhompyutha yakho.
- RID_COMMON_1=Uxwebhu lwesiqendu alukwazanga kudaleka.<BR>Nceda qwalasela ukuba ingaba imodyuli ye-'PRODUCTNAME Writer' ihlohliwe na.
- RID_COMMON_2=Icwecwe leeseli alikwazanga kudaleka.<BR>Nceda qwalasela ukuba ingaba imodyuli ye-'PRODUCTNAME Calc' ifakiwe na.
- RID_COMMON_3=Inkcazelo-mboniso ayikwazanga kudaleka.<BR>Nceda qwalasela ukuba ingaba imodyuli ye-'PRODUCTNAME Impress' ifakiwe na.
- RID_COMMON_4=Umzobo awukwazanga kudaleka.<BR>Nceda qwalasela ukuba ingaba imodyuli ye-'PRODUCTNAME Draw' ifakiwe na.
- RID_COMMON_5=Indlela yokusebenza ayikwazanga kudaleka.<BR>Nceda qwalasela ukuba ingaba imodyuli ye-'PRODUCTNAME Math' ifakiwe na.
- RID_COMMON_6=Iifayili ezifunekayo azifunyenwanga.<BR>Nceda qalisa Umiselo lwe-%PRODUCTNAME wandule ukukhetha u-'Repair'.
- RID_COMMON_7=Ifayili ethi '<PATH>' seyikhona.<BR><BR>Ingaba ufuna ukubhala ngaphezu kwefayili eseyikhona?
- RID_COMMON_9=Ewe kuko Konke
- RID_COMMON_10=Hayi
- RID_COMMON_11=Rhoxisa
- RID_COMMON_12=~Finish
- RID_COMMON_13=< ~Emva
- RID_COMMON_14=~Okulandelayo >
- RID_COMMON_15=~Help
- RID_COMMON_16=Amanyathelo
- RID_COMMON_17=Vala
- RID_COMMON_18=Kulungile
- RID_COMMON_19=Ifayili le seyikhona. Ingaba ufuna ukubhala ngaphezu kwayo?
- RID_COMMON_20=Isakhelo seenkcukacha sidaleke ngokugqitha kwi-<wizard_name> apha <current_date>.
- RID_COMMON_21=The wizard could not be run, because important files were not found.\nUnder 'Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME - Paths' click the 'Default' button to reset the paths to the original default settings.\nThen run the wizard again.
- RID_REPORT_0=Xela Ngomthakathi
- RID_REPORT_3=I~theyibhile
- RID_REPORT_4=Izintlu eze~hlayo
- RID_REPORT_7=Ingxelo_
- RID_REPORT_8=- undefined -
- RID_REPORT_9=~Imimandla ekwingxelo
- RID_REPORT_11=Grouping
- RID_REPORT_12=Hlelahlela ekunokukhethwa kuko
- RID_REPORT_13=Khetha indlela yokumisa kakuhle
- RID_REPORT_14=Create report
- RID_REPORT_15=Indlela yokumiswa kakuhle kweenkcukacha
- RID_REPORT_16=Ukumiswa kakuhle kokubhalwe ngentla nasezantsi kwekhasi
- RID_REPORT_19=Imimandla
- RID_REPORT_20=~Hlelahlela kanje
- RID_REPORT_21=Ngo~ko ke kanje
- RID_REPORT_22=Uqhelaniso
- RID_REPORT_23=Portrait
- RID_REPORT_24=Landscape
- RID_REPORT_28=Yeyiphi imimandla ofuna ukuba nayo kwingxelo yakho?
- RID_REPORT_29=Inga ufuna ukufakela amanqanaba okubeka ngokwamaqela?
- RID_REPORT_30=Imimandla ufuna ukuyihlelahlela ngokweyiphi imimandla?
- RID_REPORT_31=Ingxelo yakho ufuna ikhangeleke njani?
- RID_REPORT_32=Yenza isigqibo ngendlela ofuna ukuqhuba ngayo
- RID_REPORT_33=Isihloko sengxelo
- RID_REPORT_34=Ingxelo yokubonisa
- RID_REPORT_35=Create report
- RID_REPORT_36=Ascending
- RID_REPORT_37=Descending
- RID_REPORT_40=Ingxelo enako ~ukuguquguquka
- RID_REPORT_41=~Dala ingxelo ngoku
- RID_REPORT_42=~Hlengahlengisa ukumiswa kakuhle kwengxelo
- RID_REPORT_43=Ingxelo engenako ukuguquguquka
- RID_REPORT_44=Gcina kanje
- RID_REPORT_50=Amaqela abekiweyo
- RID_REPORT_51=Ngoko ke nga~ko
- RID_REPORT_52=~Ngoko ke ngako
- RID_REPORT_53=Kuye~nyukwa
- RID_REPORT_54=Kuyeny~ukwa
- RID_REPORT_55=Kuyenyukw~a
- RID_REPORT_56=De~scending
- RID_REPORT_57=Kuye~hliwa
- RID_REPORT_58=De~scending
- RID_REPORT_60=Imimandla ezizibini ayinakuboniswa kwingxelo.
- RID_REPORT_61=Itheyibhile le '<TABLENAME>' ayikho kwayona.
- RID_REPORT_62=Kudalwa ingxelo...
- RID_REPORT_63=Inani leengxelo elifakiweyo: <COUNT>
- RID_REPORT_64=Ifomu ethi '<REPORTFORM>' ayikho kwayona.
- RID_REPORT_65=Umbuzo ngengxelo ethi <BR>'<STATEMENT>' <BR> awukwazanga kuqhutywa. <BR> Qwalasela intsusa yeenkcukacha.
- RID_REPORT_66=Isilawuli esilandelayo esifihlwe kwifomu '<REPORTFORM>' asikwazanga kufundeka: '<CONTROLNAME>'.
- RID_REPORT_67=Kuthatyathwa iinkcukacha ngaphandle...
- RID_REPORT_68=Kufakwa iileyibhile kwimimandla
- RID_REPORT_69=Ufuna ukuzifaka njani iileyibhile zemimandla?
- RID_REPORT_70=Label
- RID_REPORT_71=Field
- RID_REPORT_72=Kwenzeke imposiso kumncedi.<BR>Isakhelo esithi '%PATH' sisenokuba nemposiso.<BR>Mhlawumbi amacandelo afunekayo okanye iitheyibhile azikho kwazona okanye zikhona kodwa phantsi kwegama eliyimpazamo.<BR>Jonga Uncedo xa ufuna ulwazi oluneenkcukacha.<BR>Nceda khetha esinye isakhelo seenkcukacha.
- RID_REPORT_73=Kukho ummandla wabasebenzisi ongasebenziyo kwitheyibhile.
- RID_REPORT_74=The sort criterion '<FIELDNAME>' was chosen twice. Each criterion can only be chosen once.
- RID_REPORT_75=Qaphela: Isiqendu esingathethi nto kuya kubekwa endaweni yaso iinkcukacha ezivela kwisiseko seenkcukacha xa kudalwa ingxelo.
- RID_REPORT_76=Ingxelo ethi '%REPORTNAME' seyikhona kwisiseko seenkcukacha. Nceda nika elinye igama.
- RID_REPORT_78=Ufuna ukuqhuba njani emva kokudala ingxelo?
- RID_REPORT_79=Luhlobo luni lwengxelo ofuna ukuludala?
- RID_REPORT_80=Tabular
- RID_REPORT_81=Columnar, single-column
- RID_REPORT_82=Columnar, two columns
- RID_REPORT_83=Columnar, three columns
- RID_REPORT_84=In blocks, labels left
- RID_REPORT_85=In blocks, labels above
- RID_REPORT_86=Isihloko:
- RID_REPORT_87=Umbhali:
- RID_REPORT_88=Date:
- # Please don't translate the words #page# and #count#, these are placeholders.
- RID_REPORT_89=Page #page# of #count#
- RID_REPORT_90=Page number:
- RID_REPORT_91=Page count:
- RID_REPORT_92=No valid report template was found.
- RID_REPORT_93=Page:
- RID_REPORT_94=Align Left - Border
- RID_REPORT_95=Align Left - Compact
- RID_REPORT_96=Align Left - Elegant
- RID_REPORT_97=Align Left - Highlighted
- RID_REPORT_98=Align Left - Modern
- RID_REPORT_99=Align Left - Red & Blue
- RID_REPORT_100=Okuhleli kukho kakade
- RID_REPORT_101=Outline - Borders
- RID_REPORT_102=Outline - Compact
- RID_REPORT_103=Outline - Elegant
- RID_REPORT_104=Outline - Highlighted
- RID_REPORT_105=Outline - Modern
- RID_REPORT_106=Outline - Red & Blue
- RID_REPORT_107=Outline, indented - Borders
- RID_REPORT_108=Outline, indented - Compact
- RID_REPORT_109=Outline, indented - Elegant
- RID_REPORT_110=Outline, indented - Highlighted
- RID_REPORT_111=Outline, indented - Modern
- RID_REPORT_112=Outline, indented - Red & Blue
- RID_REPORT_113=Bubbles
- RID_REPORT_114=Cinema
- RID_REPORT_115=Controlling
- RID_REPORT_116=Okuhleli kukho kakade
- RID_REPORT_117=Drafting
- RID_REPORT_118=Iimali
- RID_REPORT_119=Flipchart
- RID_REPORT_120=Formal with Company Logo
- RID_REPORT_121=Generic
- RID_REPORT_122=Worldmap
- RID_DB_COMMON_1=~Rhoxisa
- RID_DB_COMMON_2=< ~Emva
- RID_DB_COMMON_3=~Okulandelayo >
- RID_DB_COMMON_4=~Isiseko seenkcukacha
- RID_DB_COMMON_5=Igama le~theyibhile
- RID_DB_COMMON_6=Kwenzeke imposiso xa kuqhutywa umthakathi. Umthakathi uza kupheliswa.
- RID_DB_COMMON_8=No database has been installed. At least one database is required before the wizard for forms can be started.
- RID_DB_COMMON_9=The database does not contain any tables.
- RID_DB_COMMON_10=This title already exists in the database. Please enter another name.
- RID_DB_COMMON_11=The title must not contain any spaces or special characters.
- RID_DB_COMMON_12=The database service (com.sun.data.DatabaseEngine) could not be instantiated.
- RID_DB_COMMON_13=The selected table or query could not be opened.
- RID_DB_COMMON_14=Akukho nxulumano nesiseko seenkcukacha esifunyanisiweyo.
- RID_DB_COMMON_20=~Help
- RID_DB_COMMON_21=~Yeka
- RID_DB_COMMON_30=Uxwebhu alukwazanga kugcineka.
- RID_DB_COMMON_33=Kuyaphunywa kumthakathi
- RID_DB_COMMON_34=Kunxulunyaniswa kwintsusa yeenkcukacha...
- RID_DB_COMMON_35=Unxulumano kwintsusa yeenkcukacha alukwazanga kufunyaniswa.
- RID_DB_COMMON_36=Indlela yothungelwano lwefayili ekungeniswe kuyo ayisebenzi.
- RID_DB_COMMON_37=Nceda khetha intsusa yeenkcukacha
- RID_DB_COMMON_38=Nceda khetha itheyibhile okanye umbuzo
- RID_DB_COMMON_39=Fakela ummandla
- RID_DB_COMMON_40=Susa ummandla
- RID_DB_COMMON_41=Fakela yonke imimandla
- RID_DB_COMMON_42=Susa yonke imimandla
- RID_DB_COMMON_43=Shenxisela ummandla phezulu
- RID_DB_COMMON_44=Shenxisela ummandla ezantsi
- RID_DB_COMMON_45=Amagama emimandla avela apha '%NAME' akakwazanga kubuyiswa.
- RID_QUERY_0=Query Wizard
- RID_QUERY_1=Query
- RID_QUERY_2=Query Wizard
- RID_QUERY_3=~Iitheyibhile
- RID_QUERY_4=A~vailable fields
- RID_QUERY_5=Igama ~lemibuzo
- RID_QUERY_6=Bonisa ~Umbuzo
- RID_QUERY_7=~Hlengahlengisa Umbuzo
- RID_QUERY_8=Ufuna ukuqhuba ~njani emva kokudala umbuzo?
- RID_QUERY_9=Ngqamanisa ~konke okulandelayo
- RID_QUERY_10=~Ngqamanisa nakuphi kokulandelayo
- RID_QUERY_11=Umbuzo ~oneenkcukacha (Ubonisa zonke iingxelo zombuzo.)
- RID_QUERY_12=~Umbuzo oshwankathelayo (Ubonisa kuphela iziphumo zemisebenzi yoqukaniso.)
- RID_QUERY_16=Imisebenzi yoqukaniso
- RID_QUERY_17=Imimandla
- RID_QUERY_18=~Beka ngokwamaqela
- RID_QUERY_19=Field
- RID_QUERY_20=Alias
- RID_QUERY_21=Table:
- RID_QUERY_22=Query:
- RID_QUERY_24=Imeko
- RID_QUERY_25=Ixabiso
- RID_QUERY_26=kulingana noku
- RID_QUERY_27=akulingani noku
- RID_QUERY_28=kuncinci kunoku
- RID_QUERY_29=kungaphezulu kunoku
- RID_QUERY_30=is equal or less than
- RID_QUERY_31=kulingana okanye kungaphezulu kunoku
- RID_QUERY_32=kufana
- RID_QUERY_33=not like
- RID_QUERY_34=is null
- RID_QUERY_35=is not null
- RID_QUERY_36=true
- RID_QUERY_37=false
- RID_QUERY_38=kunye
- RID_QUERY_39=okanye
- RID_QUERY_40=fumana isixa esipheleleyo soku
- RID_QUERY_41=fumana isixa esiqhelekileyo soku
- RID_QUERY_42=fumana isixa esisesona sincinci soku
- RID_QUERY_43=fumana isixa esisesona sikhulu soku
- RID_QUERY_44=get the count of
- RID_QUERY_48=(akukho)
- RID_QUERY_50=Fie~lds in the Query:
- RID_QUERY_51=Sorting order:
- RID_QUERY_52=Akukho mimandla yokuhlelahlela inikiweyo.
- RID_QUERY_53=Search conditions:
- RID_QUERY_54=Akukho zimeko zinikiweyo.
- RID_QUERY_55=Aggregate functions:
- RID_QUERY_56=Akukho misebenzi yoqukaniso inikiweyo.
- RID_QUERY_57=Grouped by:
- RID_QUERY_58=Akukho Maqela anikiweyo.
- RID_QUERY_59=Grouping conditions:
- RID_QUERY_60=Akukho zimeko zokubeka ngokwamaqela zinikiweyo.
- RID_QUERY_70=Khetha imimandla (izintlu ezehlayo) ukwenzela umbuzo wakho
- RID_QUERY_71=Khetha ucwangciso lokuhlelahlela
- RID_QUERY_72=Khetha iimeko zokuzingela
- RID_QUERY_73=Khetha isimbo sombuzo
- RID_QUERY_74=Khetha amaqela
- RID_QUERY_75=Khetha iimeko zokubeka ngokwamaqela
- RID_QUERY_76=Nika amagama okudlalisa ukuba uyathanda
- RID_QUERY_77=Qwalasela okuchazwe ngokubanzi wenze isigqibo ngendlela yokuqhubeka
- RID_QUERY_80=Field selection
- RID_QUERY_81=Ucwangciso lokuhlelahlela
- RID_QUERY_82=Iimeko zokuzingela
- RID_QUERY_83=Iinkcukacha okanye isishwankathelo
- RID_QUERY_84=Grouping
- RID_QUERY_85=Iimeko zokubeka ngokwamaqela
- RID_QUERY_86=Amagama okudlalisa
- RID_QUERY_87=Overview
- RID_QUERY_88=Ummandla ongekanikwa msebenzi woqukaniso mawusetyenziswe eqeleni.
- RID_QUERY_89=Imeko '<FIELDNAME> <LOGICOPERATOR> <VALUE>' ikhethwe kabini. Imeko nganye inokukhethwa kanye kuphela
- RID_QUERY_90=Umsebenzi woqukaniso <FUNCTION> awunikelwanga kabini kwigama lommandla elithi '<NUMERICFIELD>'.
- RID_QUERY_91=,
- RID_FORM_0=Ifomu ethi Umncedi
- RID_FORM_1=Imimandla ~ekwifomu
- RID_FORM_2=Binary fields are always listed and selectable from the left list.\nIf possible, they are interpreted as images.
- RID_FORM_3=A subform is a form that is inserted in another form.\nUse subforms to show data from tables or queries with a one-to-many relationship.
- RID_FORM_4=~Fakela Ifomu Eyonganyelweyo
- RID_FORM_5=~Ifomu eyonganyelweyo isekwe kubudlelwane obukhoyo
- RID_FORM_6=Iitheyibhile okanye imibuzo
- RID_FORM_7=Ifomu eyonganyelweyo isekwe ~ekukhethweni kwemimandla ngokwenza ngesandla
- RID_FORM_8=~Bobuphi ubudlelwane ofuna ukubufakela?
- RID_FORM_9=Imimandla ~kwifomu eyonganyelweyo
- RID_FORM_12=Imimandla ~efumanekayo
- RID_FORM_13=Imimandla kwifomu
- RID_FORM_19=The join '<FIELDNAME1>' and '<FIELDNAME2>' has been selected twice.\nBut joins may only be used once.
- RID_FORM_20=Ummandla ~wokuqala wefomu eyonganyelweyo wesibini esisebenzayo
- RID_FORM_21=Ummandla ~wesibini wefomu eyonganyelweyo wesibini esisebenzayo
- RID_FORM_22=Ummandla ~wesithathu wefomu eyonganyelweyo wesibini esisebenzayo
- RID_FORM_23=Ummandla ~wesine wefomu eyonganyelweyo wesibini esisebenzayo
- RID_FORM_24=Ummandla w~okuqala wefomu esentloko yesibini esisebenzayo
- RID_FORM_25=Ummandla w~esibini wefomu esentloko yesibini esisebenzayo
- RID_FORM_26=Ummandla w~esithathu wefomu esentloko yesibini esisebenzayo
- RID_FORM_27=Ummandla w~esine wefomu esentloko yesibini esisebenzayo
- RID_FORM_28=Umda wommandla
- RID_FORM_29=Akukho mda
- RID_FORM_30=Inkangeleko ye-3D
- RID_FORM_31=Isicaba
- RID_FORM_32=Ukubekwa endaweni kweleyibhile
- RID_FORM_33=Align left
- RID_FORM_34=Align right
- RID_FORM_35=Ucwangciso lwemimandla ye-DB
- RID_FORM_36=Ngokoluhlu olwehlayo - Iileyibhile Ekhohlo
- RID_FORM_37=Ngokoluhlu olwehlayo - Iileyibhile Ngaphezulu
- RID_FORM_38=Ngokweebloko - Iileyibhile Ekhohlo
- RID_FORM_39=Ngokweebloko - Iileyibhile Ngasentla
- RID_FORM_40=Njengecwecwe Leenkcukacha
- RID_FORM_41=Ucwangciso lwefomu esentloko
- RID_FORM_42=Ucwangciso lwefomu eyonganyelweyo
- RID_FORM_44=Ifomu ifanele ~ukusetyenziselwa ukungenisa iinkcukacha ezintsha kuphela.
- RID_FORM_45=Existing data will not be displayed
- RID_FORM_46=I~fomu kukubonisa zonke iinkcukacha
- RID_FORM_47=Musa ukuvumela ~uhlengahlengiso lweenkcukacha ezikhoyo
- RID_FORM_48=Musa ukuvumela ~ukucimeka kweenkcukacha ezikhoyo
- RID_FORM_49=Musa ukuvumela ~ukufakelwa kweenkcukacha ezintsha
- RID_FORM_50=Igama le~fomu
- RID_FORM_51=Ufuna ukuqhuba njani emva kokudala ifomu?
- RID_FORM_52=~Sebenza ngefomu
- RID_FORM_53=~Hlengahlengisa ifomu
- RID_FORM_55=Izimbo ~Zekhasi
- RID_FORM_80=Field selection
- RID_FORM_81=Misela ifomu eyonganyelweyo
- RID_FORM_82=Fakela imimandla yefomu eyonganyelweyo
- RID_FORM_83=Fumana imimandla yezibini ezisebenzayo
- RID_FORM_84=Cwangcisa izilawuli
- RID_FORM_85=Misela ungeniso lweenkcukacha
- RID_FORM_86=Sebenzisa izimbo
- RID_FORM_87=Misala igama
- RID_FORM_88=(Umhla)
- RID_FORM_89=(Ixesha)
- RID_FORM_90=Khetha imimandla yefomu yakho
- RID_FORM_91=Yenza isigqibo xa ufuna ukumisela ifomu eyonganyelweyo
- RID_FORM_92=Khetha imimandla yefomu yakho eyonganyelweyo
- RID_FORM_93=Khetha izibini ezisebenzayo phakathi kweefomu zakho
- RID_FORM_94=Cwangcisa izilawuli ezikwifomu yakho
- RID_FORM_95=Khetha imo yokungenisa iinkcukacha
- RID_FORM_96=Sebenzisa isimbo sefomu yakho
- RID_FORM_97=Misela igama lefomu
- RID_FORM_98=A form with the name '%FORMNAME' already exists.\nChoose another name.
- RID_TABLE_1=Umthakathi Wetheyibhile
- RID_TABLE_2=Khetha imimandla
- RID_TABLE_3=Misela izimbo neentlobo zolungiselelo
- RID_TABLE_4=Set primary key
- RID_TABLE_5=Create table
- RID_TABLE_8=Khetha imimandla yetheyibhile yakho
- RID_TABLE_9=Misela izimbo neentlobo zolungiselelo yemimandla
- RID_TABLE_10=Set primary key
- RID_TABLE_11=Create table
- RID_TABLE_14=Lo mthakathi ukunceda ekudaleni itheyibhile yesiseko seenkcukacha zakho. Emva kokukhetha uhlobo lwetheyibhile netheyibhile eyisampulu, khetha imimandla ofuna ukuyibandakanya kwitheyibhile yakho. Unako ukubandakanya imimandla evela kwiitheyibhile zesampulu ezingaphezu kwesinye.
- RID_TABLE_15=Uhlo~bo
- RID_TABLE_16=Ish~ishini
- RID_TABLE_17=Ubu~qu bomntu
- RID_TABLE_18=Iitheyibhile ~zesampulu
- RID_TABLE_19=A~vailable fields
- RID_TABLE_20=Ulwazi lwemimandla
- RID_TABLE_21=+
- RID_TABLE_22=-
- RID_TABLE_23=Igama lommandla
- RID_TABLE_24=Isimbo sommandla
- RID_TABLE_25=Imimandla ~ekhethiweyo
- RID_TABLE_26=Iqhosha elisentloko lichonga ngendlela yalo lodwa ingxelo nganye kwitheyibhile yesiseko seenkcukacha. Amaqhosha asentloko alwenza lula unxulumaniso lolwazi kwiitheyibhile ezahluka-hlukileyo, kwaye kucetyiswa ukuba ube neqhosha elisentloko kwitheyibhile nganye. Ngaphandle kweqhosha elisentloko, akusayi kuba nako ukwenzeka ukungenisa iinkcukacha kule theyibhile.
- RID_TABLE_27=~Dala iqhosha elisentloko
- RID_TABLE_28=~Ngokuzenzekela fakela iqhosha elisentloko
- RID_TABLE_29=~Sebenzisa ummandla okhoyo njengeqhosha elisentloko
- RID_TABLE_30=Define p~rimary key as a combination of several fields
- RID_TABLE_31=Igama lo~mmandla
- RID_TABLE_32=Imimandla yamaqhosha ~asentloko
- RID_TABLE_33=I~xabiso elizenzekelayo
- RID_TABLE_34=Itheyibhile yakho ufuna ukuyinika eliphi igama?
- RID_TABLE_35=Uqhube kakuhle. Ungenise lonke ulwazi olufunekayo ukuze udale itheyibhile yakho.
- RID_TABLE_36=What do you want to do next?
- RID_TABLE_37=Hlengahlengisa ukuyileka kwetheyibhile
- RID_TABLE_38=Faka iinkcukacha kwangoko
- RID_TABLE_39=D~ala ifomu esekwe kule theyibhile
- RID_TABLE_40=Itheyibhile oyidalileyo ayinakuvulwa.
- RID_TABLE_41=Igama letheyibhile '%TABLENAME' liqulethe umbhalo onjengonobumba ('%SPECIALCHAR') osenokungaxhaswa sisiseko seenkcukacha.
- RID_TABLE_42=Igama lommandla '%FIELDNAME' liqulethe umbhalo onjengonobumba wohlobo olulodwa ('%SPECIALCHAR') osenokungaxhaswa sisiseko seenkcukacha.
- RID_TABLE_43=Field
- RID_TABLE_44=ItheyibhileYam
- RID_TABLE_45=Fakela Ummandla
- RID_TABLE_46=Susa Ummandla okhethiweyo
- RID_TABLE_47=Ummandla awunakufakwa kuba oku kunokugqitha kwinani elilelona likhulu lemimandla enokubakho ye-%COUNT kwitheyibhile yesiseko seenkcukacha
- RID_TABLE_48=The name '%TABLENAME' already exists.\nPlease enter another name.
- RID_TABLE_49=Ikhathalogu yetheyibhile
- RID_TABLE_50=Izicwangciso setheyibhile
- RID_TABLE_51=The field '%FIELDNAME' already exists.
- STEP_ZERO_0=~Rhoxisa
- STEP_ZERO_1=~Help
- STEP_ZERO_2=< ~Emva
- STEP_ZERO_3=~Guqulela
- STEP_ZERO_4=Qaphela: Izixa zohlobo lwemali ezivela kwiindawo zonxulumano lwangaphandle nemiba yokuguqulela uhlobo lwemali kwiintlobo zolungiselelo azinakuguquleleka.
- STEP_ZERO_5=Kuqala, susa ukhuseleko lwawo onke amacwecwe.
- STEP_ZERO_6=Iintlobo zemali ngokwamazwe:
- STEP_ZERO_7=C~ontinue >
- STEP_ZERO_8=V~ala
- STEP_CONVERTER_0=Uxwebhu ~luphelele
- STEP_CONVERTER_1=Selection
- STEP_CONVERTER_2=I~zimbo Zeeseli
- STEP_CONVERTER_3=Iiseli zeentlobo zemali ~kwicwecwe langoku
- STEP_CONVERTER_4=Iiseli zeentlobo zemali ~kuxwebhu luphelele
- STEP_CONVERTER_5=Uluhlu ~olukhethwayo
- STEP_CONVERTER_6=Khetha Izimbo Zeeseli
- STEP_CONVERTER_7=Khetha iiseli ezisetyenziswa ngoku
- STEP_CONVERTER_8=Izintlu zeentlobo zemali:
- STEP_CONVERTER_9=Izakhelo zeenkcukacha:
- STEP_AUTOPILOT_0=Ngokwesolulo
- STEP_AUTOPILOT_1=Uxwebhu ~oluhamaba lodwa lwe-%PRODUCTNAME Calc
- STEP_AUTOPILOT_2=~Uvimba weefayili opheleleyo
- STEP_AUTOPILOT_3=Uxwebhu Oluyintsusa:
- STEP_AUTOPILOT_4=Uvimba oyintsusa:
- STEP_AUTOPILOT_5=~Kubandakanywa iziqulathi zeefayili ezonganyelweyo
- STEP_AUTOPILOT_6=Uvimba weefayili ekujoliswe kuye:
- STEP_AUTOPILOT_7=Susa ukhuseleko kwecwecwe okwethutyana ngaphandle kokubuza
- STEP_AUTOPILOT_10=Ngokunjalo guqulela imimandla neetheyibhile kumaxwebhu eziqendu
- STATUSLINE_0=Conversion status:
- STATUSLINE_1=Isimo sokuguqulela izakhelo zeeseli:
- STATUSLINE_2=Ubhaliso lwezintlu eziyimfuneko: Icwecwe le-%1Number%1 kwali-%2TotPageCount%2
- STATUSLINE_3=Ungeniso lwezintlu ezifanele ukuguqulelwa...
- STATUSLINE_4=Ukhuseleko lwecwecwe ngecwecwe ngalinye liya kulondolozwa...
- STATUSLINE_5=Uguqulelo lwemilinganiselo yeentlobo zemali kwizakhelo zeeseli...
- MESSAGES_0=~Finish
- MESSAGES_1=Khetha uvimba weefayili
- MESSAGES_2=Khetha ifayili
- MESSAGES_3=Khetha uvimba weefayili ekujoliswe kuye
- MESSAGES_4=non-existent
- MESSAGES_5=Euro Converter
- MESSAGES_6=Ingaba amacwecwe eeseli angakhuselekanga anako ukungakhuselwa okwethutyana?
- MESSAGES_7=Ngenisa igama lokugqithisa ukuze kusuke ukhuseleko lwetheyibhile ye-%1TableName%1
- MESSAGES_8=Alilunganga Igama Lokugqithisa!
- MESSAGES_9=Icwecwe Elikhuselekileyo
- MESSAGES_10=Isilumkiso!
- MESSAGES_11=Ukhuseleko lwamacwecwe alusayi kususwa.
- MESSAGES_12=Icwecwe alinakususelwa ukhuseleko
- MESSAGES_13=The Wizard cannot edit this document as cell formats cannot be modified in documents containing protected spreadsheets.
- MESSAGES_14=Nceda qaphela ukuba Umguquleli we-Euro, xa kungenjalo, akasayi kukwazi ukuhlela olu xwebhu!
- MESSAGES_15=Nceda khetha uhlobo lwemali ukuba luguqulelwe kuqala!
- MESSAGES_16=Password:
- MESSAGES_17=Kulungile
- MESSAGES_18=Rhoxisa
- MESSAGES_19=Nceda khetha uxwebhu lwe-%PRODUCTNAME Calc ukuze luhlelwe!
- MESSAGES_20=I-'<1>' asingovimba weefayili!
- MESSAGES_21=Uxwebhu lungufunda-kuphela!
- MESSAGES_22=The '<1>' file already exists.<CR>Do you want to overwrite it?
- MESSAGES_23=Do you really want to terminate conversion at this point?
- MESSAGES_24=Rhoxisa Umthakathi
- CURRENCIES_0=I-Portuguese Escudo
- CURRENCIES_1=I-Dutch Guilder
- CURRENCIES_2=I-French Franc
- CURRENCIES_3=I-Spanish Peseta
- CURRENCIES_4=I-Italian Lira
- CURRENCIES_5=I-German Mark
- CURRENCIES_6=I-Belgian Franc
- CURRENCIES_7=I-Irish Punt
- CURRENCIES_8=I-Luxembourg Franc
- CURRENCIES_9=I-Austrian Schilling
- CURRENCIES_10=I-Finnish Mark
- CURRENCIES_11=I-Greek Drachma
- CURRENCIES_12=Slovenian Tolar
- CURRENCIES_13=Cypriot Pound
- CURRENCIES_14=Maltese Lira
- CURRENCIES_15=Slovak Koruna
- CURRENCIES_16=Estonian Kroon
- CURRENCIES_17=Latvian Lats
- CURRENCIES_18=Lithuanian Litas
- STEP_LASTPAGE_0=Inkqubela
- STEP_LASTPAGE_1=Ukubuyisa amaxwebhu ayimfuneko...
- STEP_LASTPAGE_2=Ukuguqulela amaxwebhu...
- STEP_LASTPAGE_3=Imimiselo:
- STEP_LASTPAGE_4=Icwecwe lisoloko lingakhuselekanga
- STYLES_0=Ukukhethwa Komxholo
- STYLES_1=Imposiso xa kulondolozwa uxwebhu kwi-clipboard! Inyathelo elilandelayo alikwazi kuqhaqhwa okwenziwe kulo.
- STYLES_2=~Rhoxisa
- STYLES_3=~Kulungile
- STYLENAME_0=(Standard)
- STYLENAME_1=Autumn Leaves
- STYLENAME_3=Black and White
- STYLENAME_4=Blackberry Bush
- STYLENAME_5=Blue Jeans
- STYLENAME_6=Fifties Diner
- STYLENAME_7=Glacier
- STYLENAME_8=Green Grapes
- STYLENAME_9=Ubublowu obusabu-purple
- STYLENAME_10=Millennium
- STYLENAME_11=Nature
- STYLENAME_13=Night
- STYLENAME_14=PC Nostalgia
- STYLENAME_15=Pastel
- STYLENAME_16=Pool Party
- STYLENAME_17=Pumpkin
- CorrespondenceDialog_0=Addressee
- CorrespondenceDialog_1=Umamkeli omnye
- CorrespondenceDialog_2=Abamkeli abaliqela (isiseko seenkcukacha zeedilesi)
- CorrespondenceDialog_3=Ukusetyenziswa Kwesi Sakhelo Seenkcukacha
- CorrespondenceMsgError=Kwenzeke imposiso.
- CorrespondenceFields_0=Nqomfa isiphathi sendawo ubhale ngaphezulu
- CorrespondenceFields_1=Iqumrhu
- CorrespondenceFields_2=Isebe
- CorrespondenceFields_3=Igama Lokuqala
- CorrespondenceFields_4=Igama Lokugqibela
- CorrespondenceFields_5=Isitalato
- CorrespondenceFields_6=Ilizwe
- CorrespondenceFields_7=I-ZIP/Ikhowudi Yeposi
- CorrespondenceFields_8=Isixeko
- CorrespondenceFields_9=Isihloko
- CorrespondenceFields_10=Position
- CorrespondenceFields_11=Indlela Yokubiza Umntu
- CorrespondenceFields_12=Initials
- CorrespondenceFields_13=Isibuliso sokungena
- CorrespondenceFields_14=Umnxeba wasekhaya
- CorrespondenceFields_15=Umnxeba wasemsebenzini
- CorrespondenceFields_16=Ifeksi
- CorrespondenceFields_17=Email
- CorrespondenceFields_18=URL
- CorrespondenceFields_19=Iingongoma
- CorrespondenceFields_20=Okukokunye Ummandla 1
- CorrespondenceFields_21=Okukokunye Ummandla 2
- CorrespondenceFields_22=Okukokunye Ummandla 3
- CorrespondenceFields_23=Okukokunye Ummandla 4
- CorrespondenceFields_24=ID
- CorrespondenceFields_25=Umbuso
- CorrespondenceFields_26=Umnxeba waseOfisini
- CorrespondenceFields_27=Pager
- CorrespondenceFields_28=Ifowuni Ephathwa Esandleni
- CorrespondenceFields_29=Ezinye Iifowuni
- CorrespondenceFields_30=Ikhalenda ye-URL
- CorrespondenceFields_31=Mema
- CorrespondenceNoTextmark_0='Umamkeli' wesalathisi sokuphawula ulahlekile.
- CorrespondenceNoTextmark_1=Imimandla yeeleta zeefomu ayinakubandakanywa.
- AgendaDlgName=Isakhelo Semizuzu
- AgendaDlgNoCancel=Ekukhethwa kuko makuqinisekiswe.
- AgendaDlgFrame=Isimbo Semizuzu
- AgendaDlgButton1=Imizuzu Yeziphumo
- AgendaDlgButton2=Imizuzu Yovavanyo
- TextField=Umsebenzisi wommandla weenkcukacha akakachazwa!
- NoDirCreation=The '%1' directory cannot be created:
- MsgDirNotThere=Uvimba weefayili ze-'%1' akakho kwayena.
- QueryfornewCreation=Ufuna ukuyidala ngoku?
- HelpButton=~Help
- CancelButton=~Rhoxisa
- BackButton=< ~Emva
- NextButton=Ne~xt >
- BeginButton=~Guqulela
- CloseButton=~Vala
- WelcometextLabel1=This wizard convert legacy format documents to Open Document Format for Office Applications.
- WelcometextLabel3=Khetha isimbo sexwebhu ukwenzela uguqulelo:
- MSTemplateCheckbox_1_=Izakhelo ze-Word
- MSTemplateCheckbox_2_=Izakhelo ze-Excel
- MSTemplateCheckbox_3_=Izakhelo ze-PowerPoint
- MSDocumentCheckbox_1_=Amaxwebhu e-Word
- MSDocumentCheckbox_2_=Amaxwebhu e-Excel
- MSDocumentCheckbox_3_=PowerPoint/Publisher documents
- MSContainerName=I-Microsoft Office
- SummaryHeader=Isishwankathelo:
- GroupnameDefault=Izakhelo_Zeenkcukacha Ezithatyathwe Ngaphandle
- ProgressMoreDocs=Amaxwebhu
- ProgressMoreTemplates=Templates
- FileExists=The '<1>' file already exists.<CR>Do you want to overwrite it?
- MorePathsError3=Oovimba beefayili abakho kwabona
- ConvertError1=Do you really want to terminate conversion at this point?
- ConvertError2=Rhoxisa Umthakathi
- RTErrorDesc=An error has occurred in the wizard.
- RTErrorHeader=Imposiso
- OverwriteallFiles=Ingaba ufuna ukucima amaxwebhu ngokubhala ngaphezulu ngaphandle kokubuzwa?
- ReeditMacro=I-macro yoxwebhu kufuneka kubuyelelwe kuyo.
- CouldNotsaveDocument=Uxwebhu '<1>' alukwazanga kugcineka.
- CouldNotopenDocument=Uxwebhu '<1>' alukwazanga kuvuleka.
- PathDialogMessage=Khetha uvimba wefayili
- DialogTitle=Umguquleli Woxwebhu
- SearchInSubDir=Kubandakanywa oovimba beefayili abonganyelweyo
- ProgressPage1=Inkqubela
- ProgressPage2=Ukubuyisa amaxwebhu ayimfuneko:
- ProgressPage3=Ukuguqulela amaxwebhu
- ProgressFound=Okufunyenweyo:
- ProgressPage5="%1 found
- Ready=Kugqityiwe
- SourceDocuments=Amaxwebhu ayintsusa
- TargetDocuments=Amaxwebhu ekujoliswe kuwo
- LogfileSummary=<COUNT> amaxwebhu aguqulelweyo
- SumInclusiveSubDir=Bonke oovimba abonganyelweyo baya kuqwalaselwa
- SumSaveDokumente=Baya kuthunyelwa ngaphandle kuvimba weefayili olandelayo:
- TextImportLabel=Kthatyathwe ngaphandle apha:
- TextExportLabel=Gcina apha:
- CreateLogfile=Dala ifayili yokungena
- LogfileHelpText=Ifayili yokungena iza kudalwa kuvimba wakho weefayili zomsebenzi
- ShowLogfile=Bonisa ifayili yokungena
- SumMSTextDocuments=Onke amaxwebhu e-Word aqulethwe kuvimba weefayili olandelayo aya kuthatyathwa ngaphandle:
- SumMSTableDocuments=Onke amaxwebhu e-Excel aqulethwe kuvimba weefayili olandelayo aya kuthatyathwa ngaphandle:
- SumMSDrawDocuments=All PowerPoint/Publisher documents contained in the following directory will be imported:
- SumMSTextTemplates=Zonke izakhelo ze-Word eziqulethwe kuvimba weefayili olandelayo ziya kuthatyathwa ngaphandle:
- SumMSTableTemplates=Zonke izakhelo ze-Excel eziqulethwe kuvimba weefayili olandelayo ziya kuthatyathwa ngaphandle:
- SumMSDrawTemplates=Zonke izakhelo ze-PowerPoint eziqulethwe kuvimba weefayili olandelayo ziya kuthatyathwa ngaphandle: